Student Scholarships

Application Deadline is May 1, 2024!

Please sign up with RhythmQ Awards (RQ) using your student name and student email. Your account name and application name should match. Please only create one scholarship application in the portal and remember to save as draft and submit as final once you are finished. To access an online application, you will be required to set up a new account using the link following link

If you forget your password, please use the forget password link to reset and do not create a new account. This could cause problems with your application.

You will be required to complete a one-time, general application to determine which scholarships you qualify for. If you qualify for other scholarships, you will be prompted with those questions and requirements. 

Please find below the current scholarship opportunities we have available. If you have any questions, please email Lindsey Medley-Debiram at or

2023-2024 Current Scholarship Opportunities

All Scholarships

Angela Mates Memorial Scholarship

Betty Smith Carriere Memorial Scholarship

Bonita Bay Triple-A Scholarship

Fred & Jean Allegretti Scholarship

Golden Futures Scholarship

Jeff Sommer Cross Country Memorial Scholarship

Shadow Wood Charitable Fund Scholarship

Suncoast Credit Union Scholars Scholarship