Message from the Foundation President & CEO
Since 1986 the mission of the Foundation has been to enhance the quality of public education in Lee County by increasing community involvement in, and support for, Lee County Public Schools. A diverse group of local business and community leaders realized that the cornerstone of an economically strong community was a quality public education system.
The purpose of every initiative of The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools is to enhance and enrich the quality of public education in Lee County for students and educators. View our various programs to learn more about our students' unique learning opportunities and how teachers themselves are recognized and encouraged in their dedicated efforts.
The success that The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools has achieved in enhancing and enriching the public school experience for our students and teachers is directly attributable to you, our supporters. Whether you contribute through an investment of your time, talent, or treasure, you are making a positive impact on the education our district students are receiving. We simply could not succeed without you! Thank you for making education a priority. Education is, after all, the key to a thriving and prosperous economy and community. A well-educated citizenry, capable of competing in the global market we live in, is the real answer to how we face these challenges. Over 95,000 reasons exist for us as a community to continue to support the Foundation's mission to enhance and enrich the public school experience for our district students. These 95,000 plus students are our future!
The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools is very proud of having generated more than $35 million dollars through donations to further public education in our Lee County Public Schools over the past 36 years. We invite you to join us in achieving our goal to support every student in Lee County.
Thank you for your commitment to our greatest asset, our children, and our future leaders.
Marshall T. Bower, Esq.
President & CEO